Physical address:
13604 101st Terrace
Seminole, FL 33776
As Florida homeowners, we are no strangers to the destructive force of hurricanes. Every year, the season brings with it a sense of urgency to protect our homes and families from potential devastation. One of the most effective ways to…
Secure up to $10,000 in grants to hurricane-proof your Florida home! The 2024 My Safe Florida Home Program is NOW OPEN. Learn who qualifies, how to apply, avoid costly mistakes, and beat the deadline. Florida homeowners looking for financial aid…
Florida property insurance premiums are on the rise in 2024. Get the latest insights from the Property Insurance Stability Report, learn how legislative reforms may impact your rates, and discover strategies to save with the My Safe Florida Home Program.…
In Florida, where hurricanes pose a significant threat to homes and communities, proactive measures are essential to safeguarding property and lives. The My Safe Florida Home Program stands as a beacon of resilience, offering grants to help homeowners fortify their…